
The primary goal of exoatlas is to create populations of exoplanets which which we can interact in fairly standardized way. Here we summarize a few different pre-defined Population objects we can create.

Documentation to add:

  • Add some more details for populations.
  • Explain how to create your own default population.
  • Talk about filtering false positives in the TOI population.
In [1]:
import exoatlas as ea

Throughout this page we’ll use handy physical_summary() wrapper as a way to visualize some of the basic properties of a particular population. For more on useful plots and plotting tools, see Visualizing.

Solar System

The eight planets in our own Solar System are an extremely useful comparison sample.

In [2]:
solar = ea.SolarSystem()
  [solarsystem] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-SolarSystem.txt
  [solarsystem] 0/8 semimajoraxes are missing
  [solarsystem] 0/8 are still missing after NVK3L
  [solarsystem] 0/8 semimajoraxes are missing
  [solarsystem] 0/8 are still missing after NVK3L
<Solar System | population of 8 planets>

Confirmed Planets

The NASA Exoplanet Archive maintains a list of confirmed transiting exoplanets. These are systems that have been characterized in sufficient detail that they are unlikely to be false positives.

This archive contains planets discovered through a variety of methods. We can access all exoplanets in the archive, regardless of discovery method, with:

In [3]:
exoplanets = ea.Exoplanets()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-AllExoplanets.txt is 0.025 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
  0%|          | 0/629 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
   [exoplanets] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-AllExoplanets.txt
   [exoplanets] 1678/4093 semimajoraxes are missing
   [exoplanets] 7/4093 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 3458 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 6 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 629/629 [00:03<00:00, 158.68it/s]
  0%|          | 0/630 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
   [exoplanets] 1678/4093 semimajoraxes are missing
   [exoplanets] 7/4093 are still missing after NVK3L
   [exoplanets] 1678/4093 semimajoraxes are missing
   [exoplanets] 7/4093 are still missing after NVK3L
   [exoplanets] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
   [exoplanets] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [exoplanets] 1678/4093 semimajoraxes are missing
   [exoplanets] 7/4093 are still missing after NVK3L
   [exoplanets] 1678/4093 semimajoraxes are missing
   [exoplanets] 7/4093 are still missing after NVK3L
   [exoplanets] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
   [exoplanets] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 3460 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [exoplanets] 1678/4093 semimajoraxes are missing
   [exoplanets] 7/4093 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 3 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 630/630 [00:04<00:00, 131.56it/s]
<All Exoplanets | population of 4093 planets>

For many purposes, it will be really handy to have just those exoplanets that transit their stars. To access those:

In [4]:
transiting = ea.TransitingExoplanets()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.049 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
  3%|▎         | 21/616 [00:00<00:02, 203.66it/s]
[transitingexoplanets] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
[transitingexoplanets] 1626/3135 semimajoraxes are missing
[transitingexoplanets] 0/3135 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 2515 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 4 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 616/616 [00:04<00:00, 132.45it/s]
  4%|▍         | 24/618 [00:00<00:02, 239.43it/s]
[transitingexoplanets] 1626/3135 semimajoraxes are missing
[transitingexoplanets] 0/3135 are still missing after NVK3L
[transitingexoplanets] 1626/3135 semimajoraxes are missing
[transitingexoplanets] 0/3135 are still missing after NVK3L
[transitingexoplanets] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
[transitingexoplanets] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
[transitingexoplanets] 1626/3135 semimajoraxes are missing
[transitingexoplanets] 0/3135 are still missing after NVK3L
[transitingexoplanets] 1626/3135 semimajoraxes are missing
[transitingexoplanets] 0/3135 are still missing after NVK3L
[transitingexoplanets] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
[transitingexoplanets] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 2516 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
[transitingexoplanets] 1626/3135 semimajoraxes are missing
[transitingexoplanets] 0/3135 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 1 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 618/618 [00:03<00:00, 162.57it/s]
<Transiting Exoplanets | population of 3135 planets>

Kepler vs. Non-Kepler

Which planets were discovered by Kepler or not?

In [5]:
kepler = ea.Kepler()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.049 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
  9%|▉         | 21/230 [00:00<00:01, 202.35it/s]
       [kepler] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
       [kepler] 1527/2712 semimajoraxes are missing
       [kepler] 0/2712 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 2479 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 3 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 230/230 [00:01<00:00, 192.02it/s]
 10%|█         | 24/232 [00:00<00:00, 236.32it/s]
       [kepler] 1527/2712 semimajoraxes are missing
       [kepler] 0/2712 are still missing after NVK3L
       [kepler] 1527/2712 semimajoraxes are missing
       [kepler] 0/2712 are still missing after NVK3L
       [kepler] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
       [kepler] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
       [kepler] 1527/2712 semimajoraxes are missing
       [kepler] 0/2712 are still missing after NVK3L
       [kepler] 1527/2712 semimajoraxes are missing
       [kepler] 0/2712 are still missing after NVK3L
       [kepler] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
       [kepler] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 2479 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
       [kepler] 1527/2712 semimajoraxes are missing
       [kepler] 0/2712 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 1 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 232/232 [00:01<00:00, 150.17it/s]
<Kepler | population of 2712 planets>
In [6]:
nonkepler = ea.NonKepler()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.050 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
  5%|▌         | 20/386 [00:00<00:01, 194.38it/s]
    [nonkepler] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
    [nonkepler] 99/423 semimajoraxes are missing
    [nonkepler] 0/423 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 36 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 1 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 386/386 [00:02<00:00, 130.14it/s]
  6%|▌         | 24/386 [00:00<00:01, 231.28it/s]
    [nonkepler] 99/423 semimajoraxes are missing
    [nonkepler] 0/423 are still missing after NVK3L
    [nonkepler] 99/423 semimajoraxes are missing
    [nonkepler] 0/423 are still missing after NVK3L
    [nonkepler] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
    [nonkepler] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
    [nonkepler] 99/423 semimajoraxes are missing
    [nonkepler] 0/423 are still missing after NVK3L
    [nonkepler] 99/423 semimajoraxes are missing
    [nonkepler] 0/423 are still missing after NVK3L
    [nonkepler] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
    [nonkepler] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 37 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
    [nonkepler] 99/423 semimajoraxes are missing
    [nonkepler] 0/423 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 386/386 [00:02<00:00, 145.79it/s]
<Non-Kepler | population of 423 planets>


Which (confirmed) planets were discovered by TESS or not?

In [7]:
tess = ea.TESS()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.050 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
100%|██████████| 16/16 [00:00<00:00, 177.11it/s]
  0%|          | 0/16 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
         [tess] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
         [tess] 1/32 semimajoraxes are missing
         [tess] 0/32 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 16 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
         [tess] 1/32 semimajoraxes are missing
         [tess] 0/32 are still missing after NVK3L
         [tess] 1/32 semimajoraxes are missing
         [tess] 0/32 are still missing after NVK3L
         [tess] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
         [tess] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
         [tess] 1/32 semimajoraxes are missing
         [tess] 0/32 are still missing after NVK3L
         [tess] 1/32 semimajoraxes are missing
         [tess] 0/32 are still missing after NVK3L
         [tess] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
         [tess] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 16 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
         [tess] 1/32 semimajoraxes are missing
         [tess] 0/32 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 16/16 [00:00<00:00, 189.20it/s]
<TESS | population of 32 planets>
In [8]:
nontess = ea.NonTESS()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.050 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
  4%|▎         | 21/600 [00:00<00:02, 205.91it/s]
      [nontess] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
      [nontess] 1625/3103 semimajoraxes are missing
      [nontess] 0/3103 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 2499 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 4 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 600/600 [00:04<00:00, 143.96it/s]
  0%|          | 0/602 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
      [nontess] 1625/3103 semimajoraxes are missing
      [nontess] 0/3103 are still missing after NVK3L
      [nontess] 1625/3103 semimajoraxes are missing
      [nontess] 0/3103 are still missing after NVK3L
      [nontess] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
      [nontess] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
      [nontess] 1625/3103 semimajoraxes are missing
      [nontess] 0/3103 are still missing after NVK3L
      [nontess] 1625/3103 semimajoraxes are missing
      [nontess] 0/3103 are still missing after NVK3L
      [nontess] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
      [nontess] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 2500 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
      [nontess] 1625/3103 semimajoraxes are missing
      [nontess] 0/3103 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 1 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 602/602 [00:05<00:00, 111.48it/s]
<TESS | population of 32 planets>

Space vs. Ground

Which planets were discovered from telescopes in space or telescopes on the ground?

In [9]:
space = ea.Space()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.050 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
  7%|▋         | 20/275 [00:00<00:01, 196.31it/s]
        [space] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
        [space] 1531/2775 semimajoraxes are missing
        [space] 0/2775 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 2497 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 3 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 275/275 [00:01<00:00, 166.47it/s]
  8%|▊         | 23/276 [00:00<00:01, 221.46it/s]
        [space] 1531/2775 semimajoraxes are missing
        [space] 0/2775 are still missing after NVK3L
        [space] 1531/2775 semimajoraxes are missing
        [space] 0/2775 are still missing after NVK3L
        [space] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
        [space] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
        [space] 1531/2775 semimajoraxes are missing
        [space] 0/2775 are still missing after NVK3L
        [space] 1531/2775 semimajoraxes are missing
        [space] 0/2775 are still missing after NVK3L
        [space] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
        [space] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 2498 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
        [space] 1531/2775 semimajoraxes are missing
        [space] 0/2775 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 1 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 276/276 [00:02<00:00, 135.68it/s]
<Space-based | population of 2775 planets>
In [10]:
ground = ea.Ground()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.051 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
  6%|▌         | 19/341 [00:00<00:01, 183.35it/s]
       [ground] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
       [ground] 95/360 semimajoraxes are missing
       [ground] 0/360 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 18 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 1 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 341/341 [00:03<00:00, 111.55it/s]
  7%|▋         | 25/342 [00:00<00:01, 240.86it/s]
       [ground] 95/360 semimajoraxes are missing
       [ground] 0/360 are still missing after NVK3L
       [ground] 95/360 semimajoraxes are missing
       [ground] 0/360 are still missing after NVK3L
       [ground] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
       [ground] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
       [ground] 95/360 semimajoraxes are missing
       [ground] 0/360 are still missing after NVK3L
       [ground] 95/360 semimajoraxes are missing
       [ground] 0/360 are still missing after NVK3L
       [ground] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
       [ground] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 18 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
       [ground] 95/360 semimajoraxes are missing
       [ground] 0/360 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 342/342 [00:02<00:00, 142.78it/s]
<Ground-based | population of 360 planets>

Good mass or bad masses?

Which planets have masses that have been detected at better than \(2.5\sigma\)?

In [11]:
good = ea.GoodMass()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.051 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
  4%|▎         | 20/539 [00:00<00:02, 199.49it/s]
     [goodmass] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
     [goodmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
     [goodmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
     [goodmass] 144/539 semimajoraxes are missing
     [goodmass] 0/539 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 0 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 539/539 [00:03<00:00, 146.42it/s]
  4%|▍         | 24/539 [00:00<00:02, 239.28it/s]
     [goodmass] 144/539 semimajoraxes are missing
     [goodmass] 0/539 are still missing after NVK3L
     [goodmass] 144/539 semimajoraxes are missing
     [goodmass] 0/539 are still missing after NVK3L
     [goodmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
     [goodmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
     [goodmass] 144/539 semimajoraxes are missing
     [goodmass] 0/539 are still missing after NVK3L
     [goodmass] 144/539 semimajoraxes are missing
     [goodmass] 0/539 are still missing after NVK3L
     [goodmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
     [goodmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 0 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
     [goodmass] 144/539 semimajoraxes are missing
     [goodmass] 0/539 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 539/539 [00:04<00:00, 116.31it/s]
<Good Mass | population of 539 planets>
In [12]:
bad = ea.BadMass()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.052 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
 27%|██▋       | 21/77 [00:00<00:00, 202.24it/s]
      [badmass] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
      [badmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
      [badmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
      [badmass] 1482/2596 semimajoraxes are missing
      [badmass] 0/2596 are still missing after NVK3L
   [massradius] skipping 2515 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 4 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 77/77 [00:00<00:00, 197.58it/s]
 32%|███▏      | 25/79 [00:00<00:00, 247.51it/s]
      [badmass] 1482/2596 semimajoraxes are missing
      [badmass] 0/2596 are still missing after NVK3L
      [badmass] 1482/2596 semimajoraxes are missing
      [badmass] 0/2596 are still missing after NVK3L
      [badmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
      [badmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
      [badmass] 1482/2596 semimajoraxes are missing
      [badmass] 0/2596 are still missing after NVK3L
      [badmass] 1482/2596 semimajoraxes are missing
      [badmass] 0/2596 are still missing after NVK3L
      [badmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
      [badmass] no symmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [fluxescape] skipping 2516 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
      [badmass] 1482/2596 semimajoraxes are missing
      [badmass] 0/2596 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 1 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
100%|██████████| 79/79 [00:00<00:00, 229.90it/s]
<Bad Mass | population of 2596 planets>

TESS Objects of Interest

These are mostly still candidate planets, but really useful for helping coordinate follow-up efforts!

In [13]:
toi = ea.TOI()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TOI.txt is 0.009 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
          [toi] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TOI.txt
          [toi] 1288/1288 semimajoraxes are missing
          [toi] 114/1288 are still missing after NVK3L
          [toi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
          [toi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
          [toi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
          [toi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [massradius] skipping 1288 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
          [toi] 1288/1288 semimajoraxes are missing
          [toi] 114/1288 are still missing after NVK3L
          [toi] 1288/1288 semimajoraxes are missing
          [toi] 114/1288 are still missing after NVK3L
          [toi] 1288/1288 semimajoraxes are missing
          [toi] 114/1288 are still missing after NVK3L
          [toi] 1288/1288 semimajoraxes are missing
          [toi] 114/1288 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 1288 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
          [toi] 1288/1288 semimajoraxes are missing
          [toi] 114/1288 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while

<TOI | population of 1288 planets>

Brand New TOIs vs. Previously Known TOIs

Which TESS Objects of Interest are brand new, and which were previously known?

In [14]:
new_toi = ea.BrandNewTOI()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.052 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
      [nontess] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TOI.txt is 0.009 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
  [brandnewtoi] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TOI.txt
  [brandnewtoi] 1117/1117 semimajoraxes are missing
  [brandnewtoi] 110/1117 are still missing after NVK3L
  [brandnewtoi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
  [brandnewtoi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
  [brandnewtoi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
  [brandnewtoi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [massradius] skipping 1117 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
  [brandnewtoi] 1117/1117 semimajoraxes are missing
  [brandnewtoi] 110/1117 are still missing after NVK3L
  [brandnewtoi] 1117/1117 semimajoraxes are missing
  [brandnewtoi] 110/1117 are still missing after NVK3L
  [brandnewtoi] 1117/1117 semimajoraxes are missing
  [brandnewtoi] 110/1117 are still missing after NVK3L
  [brandnewtoi] 1117/1117 semimajoraxes are missing
  [brandnewtoi] 110/1117 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 1117 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
  [brandnewtoi] 1117/1117 semimajoraxes are missing
  [brandnewtoi] 110/1117 are still missing after NVK3L

0it [00:00, ?it/s]
   [fluxescape] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while

<Brand New TOI | population of 1117 planets>
In [15]:
previous_toi = ea.PreviouslyKnownTOI()
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt is 0.052 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
      [nontess] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TransitingExoplanets.txt
/Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TOI.txt is 0.009 days old.
Should it be updated? [y/N]
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
0it [00:00, ?it/s]
[previouslyknowntoi] Loaded standardized table from /Users/zkbt/.exoatlas/data/standardized-TOI.txt
[previouslyknowntoi] 171/171 semimajoraxes are missing
[previouslyknowntoi] 4/171 are still missing after NVK3L
[previouslyknowntoi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
[previouslyknowntoi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
[previouslyknowntoi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "mass"
[previouslyknowntoi] no asymmetric uncertainties found for "radius"
   [massradius] skipping 171 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
   [massradius] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [massradius] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while
[previouslyknowntoi] 171/171 semimajoraxes are missing
[previouslyknowntoi] 4/171 are still missing after NVK3L
[previouslyknowntoi] 171/171 semimajoraxes are missing
[previouslyknowntoi] 4/171 are still missing after NVK3L
[previouslyknowntoi] 171/171 semimajoraxes are missing
[previouslyknowntoi] 4/171 are still missing after NVK3L
[previouslyknowntoi] 171/171 semimajoraxes are missing
[previouslyknowntoi] 4/171 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 171 planets that are missing data or uncertainties
[previouslyknowntoi] 171/171 semimajoraxes are missing
[previouslyknowntoi] 4/171 are still missing after NVK3L
   [fluxescape] skipping 0 planets that are consistent with zero
   [fluxescape] plotting inked errorbars, this may take a while

<Previously Known TOI | population of 171 planets>

From all these basic populations, you can make your own to play with by indexing, slicing, or masking as described in Exploring. Have fun!